Displaying items by tag: Mechatronics Engineering

Tuesday, 09 February 2016 02:55

Mechatronics Engineering

Q. What is mechatronics engineering?

A. Mechatronics engineering is an emerging field of engineering that integrates electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, control engineering and information technology. 




Mechatronics engineering at the Issam Fares Faculty of Technology of the University of Balamand brings together areas of engineering to allow the design, development and application of smart devices in an integrated, cross-disciplinary manner.

Q. When was the Department of Mechatronics established and how many students does it have?

A. The Mechatronics Department was established in 2010 on the University of Balamand’s main campus in Koura. It now operates on two other campuses: the Akkar Campus, Beino, and the Souk El-Gharb campus. The number of students who have graduated stands at 52, with 149 currently enrolled in the Mechatronics Engineering Program.  

PLC Lab4

 Q. How long does it take to complete the Program?

A. It typically takes three years to complete the Mechatronics Engineering Program. The degree of Bachelor of Technology is awarded upon completion of 100 credits.

Q. What are the Mechatronics Department’s objectives?

A. The Mechatronics Engineering Program prepares students for a broad range of professional careers in mechatronics, automation, robotics, and manufacturing, these in areas associated with analysis, development, implementation, and applied design. The Program is also committed to encouraging students to be thoughtful, responsible people, able to meet engineering and technological challenges as leaders as well as members of engineering teams.

Q. What are the potential employment opportunities for Mechatronics graduates?

A. Graduates in Mechatronics Engineering have access to a wide range of career opportunities in such areas as production (supervision of the manufacture, assembly and testing of equipment in manufacturing and assembly industries), robotics, electrical networks, production equipment monitoring and management, technical services, machine design, packaging engineering, automation, the human/machine interface, programming, and control.

Q. What higher degrees can be pursued after the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechatronics Engineering has been obtained?

A. Graduates can pursue degrees such as Master of Engineering in Mechatronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Biomedical Engineering. They may also like to enhance and accelerate their career through pursuing an MBA program.

Want more information?

For more detailed information, please contact Dr Rodrigue Imad, Chairman of the Department of Mechatronics at the University of Balamand, Al-Kurah Campus: + 961 6 930250, ext. 3323-4. Email: rodrigue.imad@balamand.edu.lb; www.balamand.edu.lb

 Testimony from Mike Yaacoub (student, 2014)

“I was glad to be part of the Mechatronics Department, the experience very gratifying, filled with courses integrated in the newest of technologies and sciences, delivered by teachers that were obviously the ‘Crème de la Crème’. The Faculty helped me, after three years in a row topping its honors list, to reach the University of Paris-Sud’s Engineering Department (Polytech). That’s how you know you were set up correctly, when you take on the second French University in worldwide rankings and come out top of 146 students. I owe that to the roots planted in Balamand’s Mechatronics Department.”

Published in On The Spot